
Thursday, 4 October 2018

Relay Races

In our last week of school we got to practice some relay races! It was so much fun and we did such an awesome job for our first time! Watch this space as we carry on practicing our relay races!


  1. Kia ora Room 1, 2 and 3,
    My name is Tania and I am the Manaiakalani Outreach Facilitator who sets up Tuhi Mai Tuhi Atu, our blogging programme. It's great to have your class on board this term. I live in Whangarei, which is a LONG way away from where you live in Christchurch. Have any of you ever heard of Whangarei or been to Whangarei. You could check it out on Google Maps and see how far away it is. I am looking forward to checking out your class blog this term and leaving comments for you. I might try hard to check out some of your individual blogs too. I hope you enjoy having another class to blog with from Ahipara (that is even further away than me!). Have fun learning, creating and sharing!
    Ngā mihi

  2. Kia ora Room 1, 2 and 3,

    We are Room 9 from Ahipara school. We are also learning the different events in athletics and have been working on high jump this week. We were very interested in your relay races because we haven't tried this yet. Thanks for sharing your learning with us.

    From Room 9


  3. Kia ora Piwakawaka team

    My name is Tai from the Kotuku team. I have looked at your blog and saw your relay races. They look so fun. What I’m wondering is who was the fastest team? I bet it was really close. Next time I think you should have a video that shows you what happened. I think there should be three or four pictures and maybe put under the picture who was going first but besides from that it looks really cool. I bet you guys can’t wait to do it again!

